
About Me

My passion for healthy lifestyle has been following me since I was 15… and my biggest inspiration was my mum who has always believed in nature and its products, and so do I!
As a chubby girl, I always wanted to look and feel great and, of course, lose weight, but it was quite a challenge…  My mum has been extremely supportive, but before I considered different kinds of diets she gave me a few books to read… books about nutrition… so I could comprehend what I was getting myself into and wouldn’t starve myself eating just an apple as my main course!

And here I am, after all these years, still maintaining my healthier lifestyle and my friends say I have never looked better…

I love food and my boyfriend cooks fantastic meals, from simple, but amazing poached eggs to delicious and crispy orange and honey roast chicken with potato and butternut squash mash… all this ads up a few kilograms if you are not careful… but its all down to the balance… I can never refuse good food, especially if it’s cooked by my friends, but some exercises or a long walk help to digest all the goodies!

My other passion is travelling. And I love trying local cuisines, but I am not worrying too much if I eat a little bit more… as all the excitement and long sightseeing walks do the trick!

From my own experience I can only say that eating healthier food makes you a happier person! You feel better and lighter, your skin looks great, hair is shiny and your body is fit, your mind is clearer and your heart is stronger! You don’t need to give up your favourite meals, even fish & chips!!! As long as it’s all balanced and naughty meals are consumed only as a treat when you really deserve it!

Eat fresh and healthy food, that’s all I am saying!
